: Environment / Korean Eco nomy Jan . Week 3 . Study Record카테고리 없음 2021. 4. 24. 02:13
기능 -> 메서드 속성 -> classhtps://github.com/mmvv11
https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/01/113_295657.htmlEncouraging zero - waste practices through community , actionwww.koreatimes.co.kr
https://www.google.com/amp/s/theconversation.com/amp/covid-19-is-laying-waste-to-many-us-recycling-programs-139733The COVID-019 pandemic has boosted use of disposable packaging and personal protective equipment, at the same time that many recycling programs are facing budget cuts. The upshot: More plastic trash.www.google.comhttps://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/20/climate/polar-bear - extinction . amp . htmlBy century ' s end , polar bears worldwide could become nearly extinct as a result of shrinking sea ice in the Arctic if climate change continues unabated , scientists said.www.nytimes.com
compost 퇴비 compostable 퇴비화할 수 있는(=분해 가능한) bio degradable 일회용의, 이용 가능한 disposable buckle down and reassess를 재평가하는(?) envision을 상상하는 flux 유량 be barred and to
water leaks 물흘림 building owner 건물주 flower language 꽃말 frog in the well 우물안 개구리 garage sale 창고세일 (집창고) laster liness 고독 regret 비닐단식 parage sale 창고세일 (집창고) lone liness 고독 regret 미련 vinyl
bar:~에(~을)금지하는 state decree:술령 shelter inplace:대기, 피난소 spring cleaning: 대청소 scramble: 빠르게 움직이는 서로 앞다퉈outcompete:보다 경쟁에 우월하고 능가하는 compostable:퇴비화가 가능한 transact, trade:거래하는 container:용기를 너무 많이 쓰고 서로 싸우는__________1/26https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-01-25/korea-eyes-rich-nation-status-as-economy-holds-up-amid-pandemicSouth Korea probably ended 2020 with less economic scarring than its developed peers and comparable income levels , as exports helped drive a recovery even with multiple waves of the coronavirus making consumers reluctant to spend.www.bloomberg.com
https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/biz/2021/01/175_302802.htmlCompanies get aggressive about capital increaseswww.koreatimes.co.kr
https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/biz/2021/01 presidency to offer Koreaneconomy greater chance' www.koreatimes.co.kr 더 참고가 되는 기사(다루지 말 것) https://en.yna.co.kr/view://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/01
poised 준비된, 차분한 about-face(=about-turn, reversal, flip-flop) 변화의 갈림길 aloof(=offhand, distant, standoffish) 대명대명, 살지 않고, 형식적으로 array 정렬, 배열 taxhike=
bolster: 북돋우다, 강화하다 buoy: 기분좋게 (뜨다) frenzy: 빛분, 광란stoke: 더 부추기다; 불을 피우다, 연료를 더 붓다 affiliate: 제휴하다, 연계하다 flock: 모이다; 모여들다; 아주 많이 몰려들다 top-notch: out
scarring: 흉터 scar: (피부에 생긴) 흉터, (지울 수 없는) 마음의 상처 gross: 총체의, 전체의, 중대한, 징그러운 momentum: (일의 진행에 있어서) 탄력[가속도], 운동량 serve as amomentum: 가장 큰 상처받기: opptheart of unstum: 계기가 됨 beakeet
언어유희 language play/bullshit(?)/non-sense word play(?)그저께=day before yesterday자극하다 stimulate조회수 viewseconomy is not operating wellthe economy is showing low growtheconomic activity is not activeCovid-19 poses a drag on economy(경제에 지장을 주다)뒤처지다=fall behind, left behind일용직 daily workertech-gap between rich and poor생소한 unfamiliiar and strange눈 앞의 이득 gain before your eyes 독단으로 arbitrarily 허풍쟁이다 brag showoff__________________________________________________________________________________________